Find and reserve space with confidence. RoomWizard is a room reservation system that makes it easier to get where you need to go.
Simple Navigation
RoomWizard is intentionally designed to display critical meeting information readable from a distance, assist with wayfinding and scheduling meeting spaces from your desk or at the device.
Easy Customization
Make it your own with customization options that fit your brand, reflect your culture, and define your team spaces all while adding an additional level of wayfinding and adding personality to your space.
Smart + Connected
When everything works together, things are just easier. RoomWizard lets you search, find and reserve available spaces with a system that integrates into existing scheduling and calendar platforms. Built on the Microsoft Azure® trusted cloud infrastructure, RoomWizard is a secure, all-in-one enterprise room reservation system that’s easy to use, manage and maintain from a single device manager web application.
Functional + Beautiful
Front-and-center on every reservable space, RoomWizard can enhance and complement any office setting or brand aesthetic.